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Browntown Road Litter Pickup

Browntown Road Litter Pickup

​Litter Pickup 2023 The Warren County Izaak Walton League conducted a litter pickup on Browntown Road on Sunday, April 16, 2023. The organizer, Dennis Mosher, provided orange bags and pickup tools for the volunteers to use. From one o’clock until about...
Traffic Stop for 911 Signs

Traffic Stop for 911 Signs

Browntown Road Traffic Stop – 911 Signs Campaign March 15: The BEARR Group was assisted by the Warren County Sheriff’s Office to promote the 911 blue reflective address sign campaign. With the Sheriff blocking one side of the road outside the Browntown...
Performance Review 2022

Performance Review 2022

Year-end Report from BEARR Group to BCCA Brian Wilkinson presented the following report to the BCCA meeting on January 9, 2023. A REVIEW OF THE 2022 ACTIVITIES OF THE BROWNTOWN EMERGENCY RESPONSE & RISK REDUCTION GROUP (Otherwise known as the “BEARR...