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​Litter Pickup 2023

The Warren County Izaak Walton League conducted a litter pickup on Browntown Road on Sunday, April 16, 2023. The organizer, Dennis Mosher, provided orange bags and pickup tools for the volunteers to use. From one o’clock until about three-thirty, a small band of volunteers (including one from the BEARR Group), combed both sides of the road from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to Browntown, and filled about twelve bags with trash.

It’s a sad reflection on irresponsible members of our community that this needs to be done. Bottles and cans (alcohol and soda) are the items most discarded, with cigarette packets the next most common, followed by debris from motor vehicle accidents.

Is it too much to ask that people take their trash home with them and dispose of it properly? Throwing it on the roadside is not only unsightly, but is also potentially hazardous to animals. And that is not even questioning why people are consuming alcohol while driving!

The road now looks much better for people visiting our area for the Redbud Festival at the weekend; let’s try to keep it looking that way this year.