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We Need to Make Sure Our Substation Remains Viable

The Browntown substation currently houses a “brush” truck, operated by a volunteer fire fighter who lives in Browntown. Warren County Fire chief, Jimmy Bonzano, has expressed some concern about the idea of only one person operating fire equipment when responding to emergencies.

Though Jimmy views it as a safety issue, he also understands that this “one-man” response team operation has existed for many years in Browntown—but probably should not continue much longer.

This means, of course, that additional volunteer responders are needed in order to make up a minimum “2-man” response team to safely operate emergency vehicle(s) out of the Browntown fire sub-station.

Failure to recruit responders within a reasonable time frame, say six months to a year, will place the continued operation of our sub-station in jeopardy.

So, Browntown residents, you are strongly urged to help with this recruiting effort in whatever way that you can.

If you, or someone you know, would like to become a volunteer responder, you can obtain an application form at the Browntown substation or at the South Warren Volunteer Fire Department Station 3, in Bentonville. You can also call the Warren County Fire & Rescue Service at 540 636-3830.