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A Perfect Opportunity to Practice Using Fire Extinguisher Safely

The local fire department joined with the BEARR Group to talk about the importance of having the appropriate extninguishers in the homes and how to use them correctly. A very informative presentation was followed by live demonstrations where everyone got the chances to extinguish a fire.

Some of the key takeaways from the session were:

Fire safety is a critical skill that everyone should possess, as fires can happen unexpectedly and cause devastating damage. One of the most readily available methods of dealing with a home fire is a fire extinguisher.

To use it effectively, remember PASS; a simple and effective method for proper fire extinguisher operation.

PASS stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep. These four simple steps are easy to remember and describe the proper steps to take when faced with a fire emergency.


The first step in using a fire extinguisher is to pull the pin or ring located at the top of the extinguisher. This pin or ring is a safety mechanism that prevents accidental discharge. Once you’ve pulled the pin, you’re ready to move on to the next step.


Aim the nozzle or hose of the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire. This is crucial because it’s where the fire is typically the most intense. Focusing on the base ensures that you target the source of the fire and helps to smother it effectively. Make sure to stand at a safe distance from the fire while doing this, keeping in mind the extinguisher’s recommended operating range.


Once you have a clear aim at the fire’s base, squeeze the handle or lever of the fire extinguisher. Squeezing the handle releases the fire-extinguishing agent, which is typically a chemical or foam designed to suppress the flames. Maintain a firm grip on the extinguisher, and do not let go of the handle until the fire is under control.


The final step in the PASS method is to sweep the extinguisher from side to side while keeping the nozzle aimed at the base of the fire. This sweeping motion helps ensure that you cover the entire fire area and suffocate any remaining flames. Continue sweeping until the fire is completely extinguished or until the extinguisher is empty.

Additional Tips:

Ensure that you use the correct type of fire extinguisher for the type of fire you’re dealing with. There are different classes of fire extinguishers, each designed to combat specific types of fires, such as Class A (ordinary combustibles), Class B (flammable liquids), and Class C (electrical fires).
Always have an escape route planned in case the fire becomes uncontrollable. Safety should be your top priority.

Familiarize yourself with the location and use of fire extinguishers in your home and workplace, and make sure that they are within their use-by date.

The proper use of a fire extinguisher is a valuable skill that can save lives and protect property and the PASS mnemonic – Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep – simplifies the process and ensures that you use the extinguisher effectively when confronted with a fire emergency.

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