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Do You Know the Correct Way to Use a Fire Extinguisher?

Why do we need a fire extinguisher demonstration?

Most home fires start in the kitchen, often with fat in a pan catching alight. This is why it is recommended that everyone has at least one fire extinguisher in the kitchen and ideally, a fire blanket as well. But neither of these are much use if you don’t now how to use them effectively.


The BEARR Group is going to hold a fire extinguisher demonstration at the Fire Department sub-station (86 Browntown Road, Browntown, VA 22610) on Saturday, November 5, 2022, between 12.00PM and 2.00PM.

Everyone is welcome! As well as seeing experts showing how to put out a live fire, some of the visitors will be able to try it for themselves.

During the event, people will also be able to order a 911 reflective house sign ($25, payable on delivery) and the first FIVE BUYERS will get a FREE FIRE EXTINGUISHER!

Please try to attend; knowing the proper way to put out a fire could make the difference between life and death in the future!