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Browntown Road Traffic Stop – 911 Signs Campaign

March 15: The BEARR Group was assisted by the Warren County Sheriff’s Office to promote the 911 blue reflective address sign campaign. With the Sheriff blocking one side of the road outside the Browntown Community Center Association (BCCA) building, and a fire truck on the other side, motorists were briefly flagged down and informed about the campaign to improve visibility of address signs—a big problem in many areas of Browntown and Bentonville.

911 sign

Signs can be ordered online at the website, or by contacting Chris Lewis on (540) 313-6185, alternatively email him at

Helping first-responders to find you home quickly in an emergency can be the different between life and death. $25 is a small price to pay for peace of mind.

Over 180 friends and neighbors in the area have taken advantage of this safety campaign and that is almost 20% of the homes in our zip code. If you haven’t joined this exclusive group yet, maybe now would be a good time!